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Taylor Ivory-Danae Harris, 30

Taylor Ivory Danae Harris was born on July 28, 1990 in

Bridgeport, CT, to the late Elder Rickey T Harris and

Phyllis Holden Foster. The hand of the Lord was upon

her even in her Mother's womb. As an infant Taylor

was diagnosed with a rare form of Sickle Cell Anemia

a chronic genetic disease that alters the shape of

red blood cells, causing daily excruciating pain,

but God had a divine plan for her life. 


Taylor succeeded in school and was an

honor roll student from kindergarten throughout

high school. While in college she was the president

of Campus Crusade for Christ, where she held

weekly Christian meetings and organized several

outreach events such as Operation Christmas Child

where they were able to send over 50 care package

shoeboxes to children in need all over the world. 

In May of 2012, she graduated from Pace University

in Pleasantville NY where with honors, she received her

BBA in Business Management. In 2015 Taylor became a

Certified Travel Consultant and is now the owner & sole-proprietor of THarris Travels.

After noticing a lack of quality Christian based content on October 26th, 2017

she premiered the debut episode of the Danae’s Dialogue Podcast where she combines

history, current events and Biblical principles in order to enlighten and educate.

Taylor believes that it is her life’s goal to help reveal Jesus to all who will listen in

everything that she does.  


Blessed to have been surrounded by a community and family that grounded her in excellence, she was drawn to business at an early age. Taylor credits this love to her bonus Dad, Pastor Carl Foster (Dad) who gave her her first job in his Christian Book and Gift store, and to the magnanimous & anointed teacher; her Uncle/Father the late Superintendent Kevin Ginyard Sr. Presently, Taylor continues to work towards her overarching goal of revealing Jesus in and through every aspect of daily life.

I am who I am because of what I've learned. Meet my teachers, may they rest in eternal peace...
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Eld. Rickey T. Harris 


I only got to spend a few years with my father and because I was so young, I don't remember much of that time. But where memories fail, DNA and stories prevail. My love for music, my humor, my gregarious nature at times all come from my Daddy. He gave me the gift of being comfortable in my own skin. Showed me that following your dreams will never be a waste of time, even if at first it looks like 

To never apologize for the anointing on my life because it was in fact God given. God told him when I was born that His hand would be on my life & because of that he called me his "Miracle Child". All I want to do is make him proud, and I pray that I have.

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Bishop Ivory W. Holden


Supt. Kevin D. Ginyard Sr.


The patriarch of my family whom I'm named after (Ivory). My spiritual upbringing was a direct result of his teachings. He was my 1st pastor and I served him, along side my family, for the first 21 years of my life. The day my father died, he happened to be in church & when the Presiding Bishop of the Church of God in Christ at the time heard that he had just lost his son-in-law yet stayed to carry out his duties to the church; he was elevated to the position of Bishop of Vermont Jurisdiction.


He, like my Uncle, stepped up to fill the father role in my life after my dad's passing. I spent a lot of time with him & learned how to be a leader that's truly lead by God & gives their best no matter the circumstances. But his most valuable lesson he taught me was how to preserve through physical pain. "Hopping but not stopping" is my life's motto and it was Bishop Ivory W. Holden who gave me this jewel

Biologically he is the husband of my mom's eldest sister, Patricia Holden Ginyard; my uncle. However, life made him my father. Fueled by the friendship he cherished with my Daddy, on the day of my dad's funeral he stood in front of the congregation and promised that he would take care of my mother and I. I'm here partly because he kept his promise. He willingly stepped into the father role and treated me as if I was one of his own children. There was nothing he wouldn't & didn't do for me. 


My uncle was one of the best preachers & teachers I knew. His methodology of study and his grasp on theology was incomparable and I spent my life trying to imitate it. Being able to watch him up close changed my life. He helped to deepen my love for the Scriptures and revere them through the consistent study of them. My love for teaching came from him. He modeled for me the importance of loving people enough to not leave them in ignorance, that knowledge is a powerful tool and must be treated with care. I miss him everyday and pray that I'm helping to enlighten people just as he spent his life doing.

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